SHSAT for Lab


SHSAT for Lab


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Lab discount automatically applied! 學費包含所有四個學期,直到2025年考試日期!

Missed the Webinar? Click here to jump to the replay.

This course is for students taking the SHSAT in fall 2025. Our 23+ session program is perfect for 7th graders looking for a single program that will help build test-taking skills and reinforce content mastery.

This course features:

  • over 23 enrichment sessions spanning spring 2025 to fall 2025
  • 3 unique semesters of learning: Applications, Summer Practice, Reinforcement
  • live instructors with 5+ years’ postgraduate, relevant teaching experience
  • small teacher-to-student ratios

This program includes

  • new digital format for SHSAT practice tests to mirror the updated test-taking experience, allowing for familiarization with the online testing format
  • detailed practice test score reports including percentile ranking and scaled score estimates
  • all test-appropriate, proprietary & exclusive materials and content

Here’s what a parent had to say:

“A huge thank you for preparing Charlie so well! You do a fantastic job keeping us parents informed on everything in such an organized manner and I think Charlie is going into Sunday’s SHSAT test feeling like he’s as ready as he can be and confident he’ll be able to handle anything that shows up.

My husband and I are impressed with you and grateful to you for getting us through this as smoothly as possible. Thank you!”

Need more info? Click to read our FAQs.


Please complete all the following actions to register

1. Add or Select a Student

Already have an account? Login to register your student

2. Choose your program

Program Filters
Please choose a program from the following options

    Synchronous, small-group classes for 7th graders taking the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test in fall 2025.

    In-person Manhattan and online options available. Get ahead of the 7th grade common core and gear up for the SHSAT, all in one class. Unlock your student's potential today!

Have questions? We've got answers!

Where can I review the recording from your presentation to the Lab community?

How do I enroll?

For the best experience, consider using a desktop, laptop, or tablet.

  1. Scroll up until you see "Section 1".
  2. Section 1: Click "Add New Student" or log in to select an existing student profile associated with your account for a fast and easy checkout.
  3. Section 2: Select the option that works best for you.
  4. Click "Register Now" to be taken to the checkout page. If you're a new user, you'll create an account for yourself and submit payment then.
  5. Once successfully submitted, a receipt will display and be emailed to you.
  6. Our team will email a separate confirmation to you.
  7. Add [email protected] to your address book and email filters (so we don't end up in spam!).

Who is this course for? What prerequisite knowledge do students need to have?

This course is intended for 7th graders planning to sit for the 2025 SHSAT test dates.

This course is appropriate for 7th graders who have excelled in their 6th grade common core education. When determining whether or not a student has achieved this level of content mastery, we recommend weighing state test exam outcomes more heavily than grades received in school. In general, students who received 3.0+ on state exams may expect the program to be appropriately challenging. This is because the topics we will cover in our program build on the learning students have received in elementary school and into middle school. Students who did not excel in their 6th grade common core education, or who need additional support to review those 6th grade concepts, may find the program to be very challenging, and may need to pursue additional supplemental enrichment that is beyond the scope of the program.

Participation in the following pre-work is optional, and there is no requirement for it to be submitted during class. This valuable resource serves as a self-assessment tool for students to gauge their understanding of the content and the expectations before commencing the course.

Please order this 7th grade workbook [linked] to ensure that your child is ready. If students do not reach all of the following benchmarks, they may find the applications semester to be very challenging and may need additional support.

7th Grade Workbook Benchmarks

The math workbook linked above contains 7 chapters. Each chapter begins with a Pretest. Without the use of a calculator, your child should aim to score
  • at least 90% on the Pretests for Chapters 1-4,
  • at least 70% on the Chapter 5 Pretest,
  • at least 80% on the Chapter 6 Pretest,
  • at least 90% on the Chapter 7 Pretest, and
  • at least 85% on the Final Test (pg. 142)

What should my student expect from the course?

  • Applications (Spring 7th Grade - 8 Classes + 2 Practice Tests)
    • gives students the opportunity to apply the fundamentals to test-like questions and scenarios
    • reinforces concepts in 7th grade common core curriculum
    • introduces students to the test-taking strategies needed for success on the test
    • includes a diagnostic and two practice tests: a start-of-semester and end-of-semester practice test (taken on paper, proctored live online via Zoom)
  • Summer Practice (Summer between 7th and 8th Grade - 4 Practice Tests)
    • 4 officially released practice tests (taken on paper, proctored live online via Zoom)
    • each test includes a full score report, complete with a scaled score estimate and answer key
    • [optional add on; separate enrollment] join our summer Practice Test Workshop for review sessions
  • Reinforcement (Fall 8th Grade - 6 Classes + 3 Practice Tests)
    • provides students the opportunity to build good test-taking habits
    • reinforces the concepts covered in Applications
    • includes three practice tests (taken on paper, proctored live online via Zoom) to help build confidence through experience

Is financial assistance available?

Scholarships (which require applications to qualify under BOTH need AND merit requirements) and installment payment plan availability varies. Please contact [email protected] so we may discuss your specific situation.

Where and when are classes and tests held?

  • Classes are held in-person at:
    • 750 Lexington (Sundays from 3:00pm-5:30pm)
  • Practice Tests will be taken on paper (proctored live online via Zoom)

What happens if I need to miss class or a test?

Let us know as soon as possible! If you need to miss a class, we will supply you with a video recording of that unit so that your student can obtain notes and complete the necessary homework assignments before the next lesson. If you need to miss a test, we can supply you with an At Home Proctoring Video to administer the test at a time that's more convenient. Your student will already have all of the necessary materials!

What materials are included?

Tuition includes one copy of all materials (replacement copies available at $100/copy). Students will receive:

  • Original and proprietary materials only available to students in our classes
    • 10-Session SHSAT Coursebook (Applications semester)
    • 9-Session SHSAT Coursebook (Reinforcement semester)
  • 4 officially released, DOE practice tests (Summer Practice semester)
  • Our best-selling workbook NYC SHSAT: 1200+ Practice Questions
    • Includes 2 extra Practice Tests not used in class!
  • Virtual classroom portal access, where students and parents can:
    • submit homework
    • view progress
    • see homework results
    • review detailed practice test score reports

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