the EDit

the EDit

Essay & Application Consulting

The essay is the soul of a school application. Let our professional writers and editors help your essay stand out from the crowd with our high school and college essay and personal statement editing services.

The Tutorverse x The EDit

Your EDitors will bring your student’s unique life experience, achievements and personality into focus. They’ll show your students how to position themselves as the best possible candidate for their first-choice colleges. In the process, your student will discover their voice and craft a unique and personable personal statement for university applications. By the end, you’ll have an essay that admissions officers will love reading and won’t forget.

We’ve partnered with our colleagues at the EDit, nationally published writers and experienced editors, who can help your student reveal their soul with eloquence and finesse. Our professional essay editors are dedicated to providing a top-notch essay editing service to ensure your student’s success Learn more about The EDit here.

Quick Links

Ready to get going? We can’t wait! Use the link below to get in touch, and we’ll respond within one business day.

Need more information? Read on to learn about how the EDit can help.

The Core Process

The EDit uses a three-step process that enables your student to craft an essay which expresses their voice and sensibility, through and through.

Professional essay editor - Services & Options

Starting an application from scratch? Just need some finishing touches on your essay?

Either way, we can help.

Applying to independent (private) middle and high schools? We've got you covered on:

  • ISAAGNY student personal statements
  • parent essays
  • application support and/or advice
  • proofreading, editing, and coaching

This is it - everything you've done has led to this: getting into a great college or university. Let us help with your:

  • common app personal statement
  • application support and/or advice
  • proofreading, editing and coaching

Add-ons & Power-ups

Upgrade with Fast Track to turn an essay around within a week. Or, try a Faster Track upgrade for a 48-hour turnaround.

Need to submit additional materials like portfolios, songs, letters of continued interest or more? No problem.