Expert Tutoring


Welcome to The Tutorverse!

Ready to Enroll?
  1. Section 1: Click “Add New Student” or log in to select an existing student profile associated with your account.
  2. Section 2: Select the option that works best for you.
  3. Click “Register Now” to be taken to the checkout page. You’ll create an account for yourself and submit payment then.
  4. Once successfully submitted, a receipt will display and be emailed to you.
  5. Our team will email you separately to make introductions and provide lesson confirmations.

Multi-hour Packages
All tutoring packages will be charged in full at checkout and are nonrefundable. The value of your package never expires.

September 1 – November 30
Engagements beginning during this time may only be initiated with a 5- or 10-hour prepaid package. During this period, no cancellations are possible. Sessions may only be rescheduled, pending tutor availability. Missed sessions that cannot be rescheduled will be processed against a pre-paid, Multi-hour Package or to the card on file (Pay-As-You-Go plans in effect prior to September 1).

Same-Day Tutoring Requests
Same-Day Requests are those made with fewer than 24 hours’ notice, and incur a separate non-refundable fee. We’ll do our best to make it happen, but can’t guarantee it.

Click to read our tutoring policies in full.

Questions? Please reach out to your contact at The Tutorverse or email us at [email protected].


Please complete all the following actions to register

1. Add or Select a Student

Already have an account? Login to register your student

2. Choose your program

Program Filters
Class Location:
Please choose a program from the following options
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