Score Higher on the Digital SAT
Understand the test’s NEW Adaptive Features
We’ve all heard the big news—the SAT’s gone digital. With the new testing format brings several updates. One of the largest is the brand-new adaptive testing model. Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or a tutor, it’s important to understand how this impacts the testing experience—and how to use this new format to your advantage!
The new SAT uses a “section-level” adaptive design. (For you MBA’s out there, this is a little different from tests like the GMAT, which are adaptive at the question level). The SAT is divided into two modules each for both the math and verbal (reading and writing) sections: four modules total. A student’s performance in the first module of each section determines the difficulty of the questions in the second, as well as the potential maximum score. If a student does well, the second module will be more challenging and more rewarding, enabling a higher potential maximum score. If they do not do well, the second module will be easier and less rewarding, limiting the potential maximum score. So, performing well on the first module of each section is critical!
The sudden increase in difficulty between sections might feel overwhelming. Make sure your student knows: if the questions get tough, it’s a good sign! A harder section likely means you’re doing well! This can give you the boost in morale you’ll need to get through those final questions!
SAT Mastery Modules
Flexible, modular, and rigorous.
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The adaptive model places increased importance on early performance. Since the second modules depend on how students do in the first (and you can’t return to a previous module), learn how to effectively utilize elimination strategies, the DESMOS calculator, and how to check for careless mistakes. Mistakes early on can limit a student’s chances to showcase their full potential later on.
To help students succeed, first, focus on building strong foundational skills–like the ones that might be found in the first modules. Then, move on to harder concepts like those that might be found in the second. Make sure your study materials include questions with different levels of difficulty! (Check out our Digital SAT Reading & Writing and Math Question Sets for practice just like this!)

If your student is already acing the easier questions, then it’s time to practice the harder questions they’ll find in the second modules! Our classes focus on questions like this. Click the link below for more information on our flexible SAT Mastery Modules: live-online test-enrichment classes tailored to students shooting for the farthest reaches of their score potential!