Today, we’re taking a big step here at The Tutorverse. We’re taking a minute from hiring amazing educators, publishing the best study materials, and putting on the highest-quality classes to launch our blog.
In making the decision to do so, we recall the launch of the Voyager program. In 1977, the United States launched the Voyager 1 spacecraft to study the outer Solar System. Taking advantage of a special alignment of the gas giants, scientists hurled the 1,820-pound probe into the vast expanse of space. As it exited our solar system and escaped the influence of our sun, it did so at a velocity of some 38,000 miles per hour. Today, in interstellar space, the probe is approximately 13.6 billion miles away from our home planet, making it the most distant man-made object in the universe.
We are humbled by the scale, size, and complexity of the Voyager mission, and are inspired by its spirit of discovery. It’s for these reasons that we have named our blog after another aspect of the Voyager program: the Golden Record.
Voyager I didn’t just house the scientific instruments used to expand our understanding of the universe. It also contained a phonographic record of various sounds and images meant to teach other intelligent life about humanity. The 12-inch diameter, gold-plated copper disc contains 115 images of natural sounds, spoken greetings in 55 languages, various musical selections, and even brainwave recordings. The design of the disc, and the content recorded upon it, were designed to convey maximum information about humanity in what little space there was.
We hope to accomplish a similar, albeit humbler, goal in this blog. This blog represents an opportunity for us to give back to our parents and students – to share our thoughts about raising the next generation. To do so, we will share musings, best practices, learnings, and resources in posts tagged “Conversations.” We will also be sharing important announcements about opportunities for students to learn and grow as scholars under posts tagged “Communications.”
In December, 2017, Voyager I received a command from NASA to fire its thrusters. This was successfully executed, and helped to further fine-tune the mission. In our educational journey together, we hope that you will be our mission control – that you will give us feedback about topics you’d like to read more (or less) of, and that you will engage with us in a healthy and robust dialogue.
Welcome aboard!